Social PPE (personal protective equipment) is an open-source, community run, initiative with the goal to fulfil the demand for PPE, specially in countries that are already running into PPE shortage, like Brazil.
Built by the community for the community!
The concept of this initiative is to have open-source mould of protective aprons and jumpsuits so each community can work collectively to fulfil their local demand. The collective effort promotes as fast response to the needs generated by the Coronavirus while promoting a collective awareness of the seriousness the Pandemic crisis and the urgency of creating solutions to help to minimize the harms caused by this crisis.
Case Study in Santa Maria - Brazil - First 250 Aprons
This is a case-study of the Social PPE initiative in Santa Maria, Brazil. We have launched the project on April 1st and we were able to gather a group o over 15 volunteers to manufacture the first batch of 250 aprons for the local hospital HUSM. The project is being fully developed by volunteers in the local community and is currently seeking for more collaborators to manufacture, deliver, and fund the next batches of PPEs.